Thursday, January 23, 2025

Misaka ang kaso ang HIV cases sa nasud

NAKIT-AN sa DOH nga misaka ang kaso sa HIV sa nasud!
Ilabi na sa mga kabatan-onan.
Matud ni DOH officer-in-charge Maria Rosario Vergeire nga nagtala ang Pilipinas og 1, 345 ka HIV infections sa bulan sa Hulyo karo’ng tuiga.
Gidugang niini nga kon itandi sa miaging mga tuig nga monthly average, taas kini kaysa miagi.

“..well we can see that there is these increase in the number of cases if you look further back around 2017 we only had a total of newly diagnosed estimated HIV cases around 72 thousand. Now our estimated number of cases would be almost 150 thousand cases already. So that’s one, another things that has been affected by the pandemic could be the delivery services because usually our patients who have HIV would have their regular monitoring of their counts for their immune system and also getting their drops but during the time of the pandemic because we have restrictions we had problems here that’s why the department of health initialed this integrated approach were in we are brought our medicines closure to the community they can get through it mail they can get through it our strategic hub and this are the thing that we brought but nevertheless we still seeing the increasing cases especially among the youth..”
DOH officer-in-charge Maria Rosario Vergeire

Published by Jam Saba

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